Alignment: Chaotic Java

Thursday, December 22, 2005

XML to POJOs Advantages - @Converter

One of the poorest things in XML binding is when the binding framework generates classes from your XSD where you would have used a normal JDK class. For example, consider the following:


    <desc>Meet Omer and Tal</desc>

    <desc>Joanna is coming</desc>

Surely I wouldn't want it to create a class for the <date> element, but for it to use the Calendar (javadoc) class!

Well, that's exactly what @Converter does. The X2J framework provides you with an Assigner interface, which will receive all the XML elements related to the parsing of the member annotated with @Converter, and will be responsible to assign the values derived from the XML into the non X2J-annotated Java class.

Related Topics
XML to POJOs Advantages - Repeating Types
Possible advantages of X2J - Primary Keys


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